
Last week, we started looking at how technology has revolutionized the janitorial business by making it easier for new customers to discover your business and to see what you have to offer… even before ever meeting you!

Today’s prospective customers simply expect that you are utilizing not only an effective website and social media presence, but that you are also equipped with commercial cleaning software to improve your communication and day-to-day services. Get caught up, here… 

This week, we’ll dig a little deeper into another of the ways that you can leverage modern technology to improve your services and your bottom line.

Part 2: Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of

You have landed a new customer – good for you! But now your goal is to keep that customer!

The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate that even though predicted job growth in this industry should rise about 6% between 2014 to 2020, the average commercial cleaning company can lose up to 55% of their customers every year, simply because of poor customer service.

Competition is fierce for both residential and commercial cleaning contracts. So, while good work may go unacknowledged by your customers for years, low quality service often gets you fired immediately!

Your clients need to feel confident they can trust you with the services they are paying you to provide. They need to believe that your cleaning company is doing the best possible job for them.

This builds loyalty, and loyalty means long-term clients and consistent income.

Are You Presenting the Right Image?

One often overlooked way to build (or strengthen) this level of loyalty from your customers is by intentionally setting your staff up to serve as your brand ambassadors. This means they are always well-equipped to not only meet your clients’ expectations, but to do so in a way that reinforces your standards and promotes your organization.

For example, if you promote your team as being “cleaning professionals,” but fail to give them the tools and training they need to excel… like not having the equipment they need or having to make unnecessary trips to go get supplies – which costs extra time and money – simply screams “UNprofessional!”.

To prevent this issue, you should leverage the technology of commercial cleaning software that allows you track supply usage by client. By ensuring that your workers have consistent, immediate access to all necessary resources, you save time, money and face with your customers.

In the same way, if you claim that your mission is to provide “state-of-the-art customer service,” it would be contradictory if your team members were using paper and pens, rather than modern mobile devices or tablets to track performance, create work orders, or perform inspections.

The idea of utilizing commercial cleaning software and other cutting edge technology promotes your image of being professional and cutting edge. They also allow you to provide the kind of service to your customers that maintains their satisfaction and loyalty.

Do You Have What You Need to Succeed?

If you are finding your number of customers dwindling, and you suspect (or have been told, outright!) that the reason is related to poor customer service or an unprofessional image presented by your staff, consider the ways that commercial cleaning software can help, by:

  • Tracking the use of materials and supplies to keep closets well-stocked and costs down
  • Ensuring your employees are where they need to be at the time they need to be there
  • Keeping an eye on inspections tracking (more on this topic later!)
  • Managing client and employee communications
  • Scheduling and tracking work orders

To learn more about how commercial cleaning software may just be the key you need to keep your valued clients long-term, contact Janitorial Manager TODAY to request a free demo!

…We’ve only just begun! Stay tuned for three more ways that technology has revolutionized the cleaning industry!
